ICE Spacecraft Signal Detection from the Allen Telescope Array
Published 3/20/2014 in Jon Richards Blog Author jrichards
Jon Richards, The SETI Institute The ICE spacecraft (see below) has recently approached Earth close enough to be detectable at the Allen Telescope Array (ATA). We have successfully detected the ICE spacecraft carrier signal using the SonATA (SETI on the ATA) signal detection equipment and will share the details here. The technical community has been all abuzz about the return of the ICE spacecraft, formerly named the International Earth-Sun Explorer-3 (ISEE-3). It was launched in 1978 to study Earth's magnetosphere and its interaction with the solar wind. The ICE spacecraft has been far away and out of contact for a long time... read more ❯

Trip to the Allen Telescope Array - June 7, 2012
Published 6/7/2012 in Jon Richards Blog Author jrichards
This week I worked at the Allen Telescope Array (the ATA). The SETI Institute uses the ATA to search the heavens for any signs of life in the galaxy that may be transmitting radio signals. Today was a sunny morning and a cloudy afternoon. The temperature was a bit cool for this time of year. I took some pictures that may be of interest.   [caption id="attachment_17" align="aligncenter" width="630" caption="Mount Lassen Still has a lot of snow. This picture was taken while standing in the center of... read more ❯