
August 29, 2016

Where does the windblown stuff come from?

A Piece of Mars: How far do windblown materials move on Mars? This scene (0.9×1.2 km, 0.56×0.75 mi) shows a bright layer of bedrock (top right) that is eroding, exposing a darker, bluish rock (bottom left). Ripples 5-20 m wide […]
March 7, 2016

How far does the wind blow stuff?

A Piece of Mars: Hargrave crater has an amazing array of colorful surfaces, each of which reflects a different type of rock (this scene is 480×270 m or 0.3×0.17 mi). I like the ripples sitting on top of it all; […]
April 28, 2014

Big ripples near Opportunity

A piece of Mars: This shows the location of the rover Opportunity as of late March, 2014. It’s been trolling around the rim of Endeavour crater. Just inside the crater, there are some large ripples (the biggest is ~10 m […]
September 18, 2013

How sand forms on Mars

A piece of Mars: All that sand on Mars — where does it come from? It’s often hard to figure that out. Here is a rare case where we can see material shedding from a stack of bright layered rocks, […]
May 24, 2013

Where does martian sand come from?

A piece of Mars: The source of dune sand on Mars is normally something of a mystery. But here on the interior wall of a small crater it appears that small gullies have eroded sediment from the wall and carried […]