Bloggers of the Cosmic Diary Network

The Cosmic Diary is a  legacy of the International Year of Astronomy 2009, one of Cornerstone project which aimed to put a human face on astronomy. More than 25 astronomers from ESA, ESO, JAXA, NASA and other institutions, located all around the world, blogged in their native languages, mostly in English, French & Spanish. I am lucky to have been part of this project since the first day in January 2009.

In January 2011, the IYA executive committee transfered  the web site responsibilities to the SETI Institute which provided access to their server. As a Principal Investigator at the SETI Institute, I took over the management of the site.

In April 2012, the New Cosmic Diary morphed into a fully hosted web site of the SETI Institute. We redesigned it using a multi-sites & multi-users WordPress server. An archive of the previous web site can be found on The new web site has been modernized and we will continue to improve it in the future.

The Carl Sagan Center research center, part of the SETI Institute, aims to understand the origins of life or the extent to which life may be present beyond Earth. Astrobiology is a way to understand the various factors in the Drake equation, and thus to help guide the search for extraterrestrial life. We therefore decided to expand the Cosmic Diary to all disciplines part of astrobiology.

Today the bloggers of Cosmic Diary Network are:

If you are interested in joining the Cosmic Diary Network, please contact me.

Clear Skies

Franck M. @AllPlanets