Today marks the launch of the long anticipated “Portal to the Universe”. On Tuesday (21st April) Lars Lindberg Christensen gave participants attending the IYA 2009 in Europe session a demonstration of what was planned for the portal, explained how the portal will act as “one-stop-shop” for astronomy information and content and also will act as an archive for educational materials. As an astronomy educator this for me means two things. One, I get some of the load taken off for ploughing through hundreds of websites to find useful materials and resources to build the learning programmes for the schools wanting support in their lessons and out of school science clubs, and two, I’m hoping to discover some really cool stuff on the portal!
The project is looking for volunteers to contribute content, something which I am very happy to do, so if you are interested in contributing to the content of the “Portal to the Universe”, you can find the link to the portal here :