The VLT exoplanet hunter SPHERE is offered to the community

SPHERE, the extreme adaptive optics facility, high contrast imager spectrograph and polarimeter of the Very Large Telescope, is now offered to the community for P95 (April-Sept 2015, please look at the Call for Proposals). It has unique capabilities that make it a fantastic high-resolution, high-contrast disk imager with a field of view up to 11" (much bigger than most of its main competitors). Material is available online to help you write your proposals.
SPHERE can lock its AO on fainter stars than GPI, up to R=11 for service mode and up to R~15 in visitor... read more ❯
Characterizing the exoplanet HD 95086b with GPI.

Another week and yet another article based on GPI data has been accepted for publication. A team led by a European astronomer has analyzed observations of the planetary system named HD 95086, which has been known since last year for hosting an exoplanet, named HD 95086b. GPI data was extremely useful in confirming that the planet is co-moving with its star and in constraining its properties, such as its temperature and composition.
HD 95086... read more ❯
The orbit of the exoplanet Beta Pictoris b - The first peer-reviewed article with GPI

Following our very successful first light observing runs in late 2013, the first publication based on Gemini Planet Imager observations is now complete! It has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesas part of a special issue on exoplanets, and is now available on Astro-ph. We report in this publication the performance of the Gemini Planet Imager based on the first light tests. The first scientific result demonstrates that right from the start, GPI has been performing well enough to yield new insights into exoplanets: Our astrometric observations from November 2013 gave us important new... read more ❯
The Next Step in Exoplanetary Science: Imaging New Worlds

In 2003, I was lucky enough to be part of a small group of astronomers that met at the University of California at Berkeley to brainstorm on an innovative idea: the design of an instrument to image and characterize planets around other stars, called exoplanets, using a telescope in the 8 – 10 meter class. A decade later, such an instrument became reality with the arrival of the Gemini Planet Imager (called also GPI, or “Gee-pie”) instrument at the Gemini South telescope in Chile.
Five known planetary systems imaged with current adaptive optics systems. Fomalhaut shown on... read more ❯
GPI is ready for its new location in Chile

It is now official, The Gemini Planet Imager ("Gee-pi") is ready for shipping to Chile. This decision was taken on July 19 after the positive pre-delivery acceptance review. From its current home at the University of California Santa Cruz, the instrument’s Integral Field Spectrograph (IFS) began its warm-up a week later (July 25th), and the computers were shut-down two days ago (July 31st).
GPI is going to be carefully packed for a long trip to Chile. The instrument will be shipped... read more ❯
Pre-delivery acceptance review in progress

The Gemini Planet Imager’s (GPI’s) team just went through a 2-week review period which began on the July 8th. During the formal “sit-down review” at the University of California Santa Cruz, a total of 28 people, including staff from Gemini and the GPI project team, were physically attending the review and a number of others were participating remotely. A group picture was taken to immortalize this important moment in the life of this project (Thanks to Marshall Perrin).
Group picture of the GPI Pre-Delivery Acceptance Review taken at UC Santa Cruz Front row: Kayla Hardie, Jennifer Dunn, Stephen... read more ❯
Being in Toronto for the GPI Science Workshop... remotely

The Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey team held a meeting at the University of Toronto June 13-14, 2012. The purpose was to get updated on the hardware and pipeline, anticipating the installation of the instrument at the Gemini South telescope later this year. We also discussed key science contributions we expect GPI to make, in preparation for the first raft of papers from the survey. For instance, I had a 30 minute talk on (1) how the GPI-discovered planets will connect to the populations studied by other techniques, (2) what we're learning about planetary systems from dynamical investigations and the... read more ❯
Gemini Planet Image joined the Cosmic Diary Network

The Gemini Planet Imager team is joining the Cosmic Diary Network. GPI is the next generation adaptive optics instrument being built for the Gemini South Telescope. The goal is to image extrasolar planets orbiting nearby stars. The GPI team will use this blog to show the progress on the development of this instrument and discuss the science results which will be obtained in 2013.
WHO: GPI is being built by a consortium of U.S. and Canadian institutions, funded by the Gemini Observatory, which is an international partnership comprising the U.S.A., U.K., Canada, Australia, Argentina, Brazil & Chile.
WHEN: After more than 5 years of development (preliminary design review... read more ❯
A Snapshot of Exoplanet Study
The study of exoplanets is without any doubt the most active and disrupting field in today astronomy. I had often blogged about it since it is my little obsession. Unfortunately, I have a hard time to keep up with the amount of discoveries and announcements being made every week over the past 3 years. This post is a snapshot of the recent study of exoplanets: what we know, what have been recently discovered and what is coming soon.
Source: en.wikipedia.org via Franck on Pinterest
Today (May 2 2012) the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia lists the characteristics of 763 exoplanets. Exoplanet App contains 760 discovered exoplanets. The NASA Planet... read more ❯