Everyone who knows me will know how enthusiastic I am about astronomy, especially outreach and education. With this year being the International Year of Astronomy now is the perfect opportunity to give everyone, and I mean EVERYONE regardless of race, creed or colour of any age the opportunity to discover the universe.
Cyprus has its problems, there is no doubt about that, but it also has something that can be found that is quite rare in some places, that is unique and is worth more than its weight in gold. And this is a very special group of enthusiastic astronomers who are single handedly creating a planetarium and observatory for the people pf Cyprus to enjoy discovering the Universe through.
Tonight they have an event called the “Mars Hoax”. Would the Moon and Mars look the same size if you could see them on the night of August 27th 2009?
A clever way to get the public to explore concepts of space and indeed misconceptions!
My only wish would be to be there to join in on the events takig place tonight, I cannot tell you how beautiful the stars appear from the mediterranean, not that I’m biased or anything but the night sky here from the centre of Manchester is pretty dismal and you can’t see the Milky Way!
More on the event and details can be found here: