So, the first show started at 1pm today and I was a little bit nervous as this was my first crack at presenting a show in a big dome. But after the first show it was exhilarating to say the least. It was a beautiful sunny day today at Harewood House and I was tempted to pull out the solar viewing scope to let the public visiting have a look through it. There were a lot of really young kids around and I didn’t want to risk anything so if its a nice sunny day again tomorrow now that I am more confident doing the shows I can set something up for the public to do some nice solar observing, specially as one of the topics for 100 HRS is Sun Day!
Here is a piccie I took before of the 3D show, it looks fuzzy, but that’s not due to my awful photography, its because its a 3D show and I didn’t shoot the image through the 3D glasses : )