One of the leading newspapers in Spanish, “El Pais”, has started to publish a special edition in its electronic version devoted to the International Year of Astronomy. There are several sections, from an image gallery, biographies, special reports and analysis, etc. This initiative has been carried out in collaboration with the Spanish Astronomical Society, a a large group of astronomers have taken part at different level.
One of the most difficult section has been the glossary, since we have been asked to define different concepts using a limited amount of words, in a plain language. In few cases, the process has been even more complicated, because mos of us only use them in English, and a translation into Spanish has been complex. Anyway, I believe it is worth the effort.
External links:
learning to speak spanish…
It is difficult striving to total the hours we’ve consumed looking for spanish web pages….
He visto el video y la verdad es que dan ganas de aprender más y más. Acercas la ciencia por el lado más humano, que me parece que es el más puro, la pasión sincera por el conocimiento.
Me gusta mucho la astronomía y me gustaría aprender. Soy profesora de secundaria.
Pero sobre todo me gusta estudiar o aprender por pasión hacia la ciencia, como tú también dices.